
Birkebeinerrennet and HalvBirken on Sunday

Fotograf Emil Sjåstad Nyeng (2 of 1)-2

Text: Birken, updated 16 March 2024 at 15.00 

Birkebeinerrennet and HalvBirken are postponed to Sunday 17 March, TurBirken and SkøyteBirken as planned on Friday.

Very strong winds and a lot of snow are reported in the mountains on Saturday. The wind can come up to a stiff gale and together with snowdrifts, it is unsafe for skiers and officials to be in the mountains. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute confirms the weather forecasts in conversation, and says there is very little probability that the forecasts will change.

With the very bad weather forecasts, the jury and the organizer have decided to move the Birkebeinerrennet and HalvBirken to Sunday 17 March with the same schedule.

We do our best to ensure that as many participants as possible get the best possible experience of Birken. An enormous effort is being made to resolve the situation for the best for our participants.

The participants are automatically moved to Sunday
All those registered for the Birkebeinerrennet and HalvBirken are automatically moved from Saturday to Sunday. You keep your original start number and chip.

If you cannot start on Sunday, the alternative is to go on Friday

If you cannot participate on Sunday, but would rather participate on Friday, TurBirken or SkøyteBirken, registrate on  My Side by 10 p.m. on Thursday 14 March.

Start number distribution
Start number distribution on Sunday, race day is only at Tingstadjordet for the Birkebeinerrennet and the Sjusjøen cross-country arena for HalvBirken.

All bibs will be transported to start at the race day.

Opening hours Håkons Hall, Lillehammer:

  • Fredag 09-17
  • Lørdag 12-21
  • Søndag 10-19

Opening hours Åmot kulturhus, Rena:

  • Friday:10.00-18.00
  • Saturday: 12.00-21.00

Busbooking is closed

NO private cars to start Sunday
It is NOT possible to drive private cars to the start on Sunday. Shuttle buses from Rena center to start

Mattress accommodation Rena
Your mattress accommodation is moved from Saturday to Sunday, use the same accommodation.

SkøyteBirken, TurBirken and StafettBirken - as planned on Friday 15 March

HalvBirken - as planned
HalvBirken as planned on Sunday, starting at the Sjusjøen cross-country arena, with starting time 11.30

UngdomsBirken - delayed start 12.00
UngdomsBirken runs as planned on Sunday, first start at 12.00

BarneBirken cancelled in Lillehammer, Rena as planned
BarneBirken is cancelled in Lillehammerm runs as planned in Rena on Sunday 17 March.

There will be challenges in terms of logistics, but we are working on solutions throughout the day and will return with information about the practicalities.

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