
Estimated travelling time:

Lillehammer - Rena: Appr. 2 hours
Oslo (departure from...) - Rena: Appr. 2,5 hours
Transportation by train from Oslo Airport to Hamar / Lillehammer:
By train from Hamar to Rena:

Friday 25.08, From - To Departure Price, NOK
Lillehammer** - Rena 18.00 550,-
Hamar (Vikingskipet) - Rena 19.00 290,-
Saturday 26.08, from - to departure Price, NOK
Lillehammer ** - Rena 06.00, 07.00, 08.00 550,-
Hamar (Vikingskipet) - Rena 07.00, 08.00, 09.00 290,-
Sjusjøen (Ski stadium) - Rena 06.00 575,-
Return trip August 26th
Lillehammer** - Rena 14:00 - 18:00 (departure every hour) and 19.30 550,-
Lillehammer** - Hamar 14.00 - 18.00 (departure every hour) and 19.30 290,-
Lillehammer- Sjusjøen (Ski stadium) 15.00, 17.00 130,-

** Departure Lillehammer:
Sigrid Undsetsveg, at Kristins Hall

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