
Norwegian Chief of Defence completed the Birkebeinerrennet with international colleagues


Text: Birken / Photo: Sportograf


Among the many participants who strapped on their skis for this year's Birkebeinerrennet, there were some particularly noteworthy participants in start group 15. Norway's Chief of Defence, General Eirik Kristoffersen, took part alongside an international group of military leaders and their close associates.

Joining the group were General Onno Eichelsheim, Chief of Defence in the Netherlands, the U.S. Defense Attaché to Norway, Todd Santala, as well as Onno's two sons, Rick and Thomas Eichelsheim. Major Stian Rønneberg, the Chief of Defence's adjutant, was also part of the group.

Start group 15 set off together, but the group spread out a bit along the way. After roughly eight hours on the ski trail, there were plenty of smiling faces crossing the finish line.


"It was a fantastic trip," said Eirik Kristoffersen after crossing the finish line. "We saw it as a great experience and enjoyed ourselves the whole way."

General Onno Eichelsheim also shared his enthusiasm: "It was an incredible day. Sharing this journey with both colleagues and family is an experience I will remember for a long time."

Both emphasized how wonderful it was to experience the mountains in this way and highlighted that Birken is a tradition they truly appreciate.


Just before this group reached the finish line, two soldiers from the Norwegian Armed Forces completed the race on so-called "NATO planks" — traditional wooden skis that have been used by the Armed Forces for many years. This added a special touch to the end of the journey for both the soldiers themselves and the military leaders who followed shortly after.

This year, over 100 participants from the Norwegian Armed Forces took part in the race, reflecting the strong interest from the Armed Forces. Birken is a great goal for many in service, and we are pleased that so many took on the challenge.

We at Birken greatly appreciate the visit from these prominent military leaders and are happy that they chose to participate in this year's SkiBirken. We also look forward to continuing our strong cooperation with the Armed Forces in the years to come.

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