
Birkebeinerløpet - easier and better!


05.05.2023 Text: Birken, Photo: Sportograf

Travel to Lillehammer Saturday June 10th and join Norway's largests terrain run event.
You can choose between the distances 5 km, 12 km, 21 km, 42 km and 60 km.

All races on the same day - simple logistics
The Birken terrain run races are all organized on the same day - start and finish at Lillehammer and shuttle buses between the start and finish arena. Bring your friends, colleagues and family and enjoy a weekend in Lillehammer. Find more information about the Lillehammer area at Visit Lillehammer.

Shuttle buses - also when arriving by train
Free shuttle buses Saturday June 10th from Haakons Hall to the start area at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium from 09.00 to 18.00. The bus ride form Haakons Hall to Birkebeineren Ski Stadium takes about 10 minutes. If you arrive from the south by train at 9.37, 10.06, 10.41 or 11.40 there will be shuttle buses available to the starting area.

NEWS 2023

  • New starting times :
    HalvBirken srun 12 km: 11.00 -11.15.
    Birkebeinerløpet 21 km: 12.00 - 13.15.
    Birken run 5 km: 14.00
    UngdomsBirken run (youth): 15.00
    BarneBirken run (kids): 16.00

  • Competitors in the elite classes no longer receives placement in their age classes - only in the elite classes. 

Free seeding
Birkebeinerløpet has seeded wave start and free seeding.
You choose wave when entering the race. You can change wave at your My Page if available spots until June 8th.

Littering along the route is not allowed. Please bring your own litter to the nearest food station or use the drop zones along the course. Littering along the course can be penalized with 15 minutes added to your time.
Birken - love it - cherish it

Prizes Birkebeinerløpet
All participants recieve a finisher medal at the finish line.
A diploma stating your time is also available at your My Page or inside Håkons Hall at the race day.


The different distances

Birken run 5 km
Start and finish by Håkons Hall, Lillehammer. The track is in beautiful sourrondings around Maihaugen.
EVERYBODY from the age of 10 years old by 31.12.2023 can join.
More information about Birken run 5 km

HalvBirken run 12 km
The track is 12 km in forrest terrain consisting of both gritt, forrest roads, paths and grass. Start and finish at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium (525 masl) Lillehammer.
Participants must be over the age of 16 years old as of 31.12.2023.
More information about HalvBirken run 12 km

Birkebeinerløpet 21 km
Birkebeinerløpet is one of the most famous running races in Norway. The course is 21 km and takes you through various forest terrain.
Start at Birkebeineren Skistadion and finish at Håkons Hall, Lillehammer.
All competitors must have passed 16 years of age as per 31.12.2023.
More information about Birkebeinerløpet 21 km

Birken fjellmaraton 42 km
A mountain marathon race. Start at Sjusjøen cross country arean and finish Håkons Hall, Lillehammer. The track is 42 km along the same route as the UltraBirken run trail. Participation is available for all by the age of 16 per 31.12.23.
More information about Birken fjellmaraton 42 km

UltraBirken run 60 km
An extra challenge! Start at Sjusjøen Langrennsarena, 60 km in the maountain terrain and finish at Håkons Hall.
Participations is available for all over the age of 16 years by 31.12.23
More information about UltraBirken run 60 km

UngdomsBirken run (youth)
The track is 5 km with start and finish at Håkons Hall, Lillehammer. The track is in beautiful sourrondings around Maihaugen.
Participants from age 12-16 years old, as of per 31.12.2023.
More information about UngdomsBirken run

BarneBirken run (kids)
This race is for all kids in the age from 0-11 years old. No time keeping.
The track is easy and differs for each age group.
All participants will recieve a diploma, medal and prize. For kids in the age 0-11 years old by 31.12.2023
More information about BarneBirken run

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