
Welcome to Birkebeinerrittet!
Birkebeinerrittet, a classic MTB race.
Organized for the 32nd time in 2024, Saturday August 30th
The track is 84 km long and passes through impressive mountain, forrest and valley settings from the village of Rena to Håkons Hall at the Olympic city of Lillehammer.
Both elite and recreational bikers enjoy this journey.
All competitors must have passed 17 years of age as per December 31, 2025 and must carry a backpack of at least 3,5 kg throughout the race.
Birkebeinerrittet 84 km
The track is 84 km. 1215 hm. Starting area is in the centre of Rena and finish line at Håkons Hall, Lillehammer.
Food- and drink stations
Place Km Serving Start Refill Maxim sports drink and water Åstvollen/Syringa 16,8 Water and Maxim sport drink Bringbu 26 Kvarstad 44 Maxim sports drink, water, banana, pastry, Gilde Birkebeiner ham. Refill water. Rosinbakken 54 Raisins and Vørterøl Elgåsen 59 Maxim sports drink, water, Pepsi cola, bananas, pastry Finish 84 Water, Red Bull, Vørterøl, Maarud Potetgull® (crisps) and Gilde sausage The food stations are all organized with bananas, pastry, Maxim sports drink and water served in that order. Refill of water is available on the end table.
If you need special food due to allergies, we strongly recommend that you bring your own food.
Keep Birken clean
littering along the track is not allowed. Bring your litter to the nearest food station or use the drop zones along the track. -
Starting times and classes
Preliminary information 2025:
Starts every 5 minutes.
All waves starts at real time except Men and Women Elite + Wave 1.
All even numbered waves enter the green sluice before start. Odd numbered waves enter the red sluice.Preliminary Starting time Wave info 09.00 ME Sr. /Jr. Men Elite Sr. and Jr. 09.10 KE Sr./ Jr. Women Elite Sr. and Jr. 09:30-10.15 1-10 W/M seeded 10.20 11 W/M seeded + W/M 17-24 years old unseeded 10.25 12 W/M seeded 10.30 13 W/M seeded + W70+, M80+, Tandem, Para 10.35-10.50 14-17 W/M seeded 11.00-11.20 19-23 W/M unseeded. Wave 23:El-cycle class Classes
- Age classes for both female and male contestants (Age classes are divided as follows: F/M 17 yrs, F/M 18-19 yrs, F/M 20-24 yrs, F/M 25-29 yrs, F/M 30-34 yrs etc)
- Elite classes F/M Jr./Sr.
- Tour class (Trim)
- Tandem
- Tandem FH (para) open class
- Para FH men and women (physically disabled) -open class
- El cycle (Electric bike) - open class
Age minimum 17 years old as per 31.12.2025.
Seeding / start waves
Dynamic seeding
Competitors will be seeded in waves according to results obtained in previous Birkebeinerrittet races or in races sanctioned for qualification.The fastest competitors will start first. Our intention is that all competitors should start in a wave where they qualitatively belong and thus compete with their equals.
The seeding will change regularly until the second/third week in August. After this date the information regarding wave and starting time will be final. All participants must log in to My Page, and print/download their starting card, which holds all information about wave and starting time. You need to show this card to retrieve your bib.
Allocation of wave 2025
Waves will be allocated on the basis of results in Birkebeinerrittet 2024, 2022, 2021 or 2019 and results from races sanctioned for qualification in 2025.
Start togehter ?
It you want to start together with friends or family we can offer this in one of the un-seeded waves. Please send a message stating names and Birken ID's to
Elite classes
Note that there are special rules for qualification for the Elite classes
For participants outside of Norway,
results from other races will also be assessed for qualification. Such results must be from 2022 or 2023. If you want to reseed due to results from other races please send an e-mail including your Birken ID and link for the results to: as early as possible, but by August 27th at the latest.
If you want seeding from one of the qualifiaction races in Norway you must enter your Birken ID number when you register for one of these.
Participants with no confirmed qualification will be placed into one of the unseeded waves.
All re-seeding must be submitted by August 26th. -
Elite classes
Age division
Senior elite: Age minimum 19 years old by 31.12.2025
Junior elite: Age 17 or 18 years old by 31.12.2025
Entrants in the elite classes and/or junior elite classes must hold a valid licence issued by a National Federation affiliated to the UCI, which must be presented on registration. If the licence cannot be used as identification, the participant must show another type of identification.Løype
Preliminary starting time:- Women elite Sr. and women elite Jr.: 09.00
- Men elite Sr. and men elite Jr.: 09.10
The track
The course is appr. 84 km (See track description and map, slightly different for men and women).
The elite groups have their own track for the last part of the race: This dedicated route will be closed after the lead groups has passed the finish line as follows:- Men Elite Sr./Jr. - 30 minutes after the winner in Men Elite has passed the finish line
- Women Elite Sr./Jr.- 30 minutes after the winner in Women Elite has passed the finish line.
Competitors arriving after that time will need to follow the ordinary track to the finish line. Please follow instructions given by our guards in yellow wests.
Birkebeiner Medal (merket)
There is a time limit based on the average time of the top 5 competitors plus 25% in each class, worked out separately for each class.
NOTE: There is no Birkebeiner medal "merke" in the classes EL-cycle, Elite or in the Tour class (Trim).
Need to know in advance
August 16.- Change of Bib pick up place
August 29.
- Registration and reregistration at 21.00 if available spots
- Booking bus at 20.00
- Ordering cycle license
- No registration/entry on race day
- Registration after August 27. for Birkebeinerrittet: You must pick up your Bib in Rena
Travel and accommodation
Start: Rena and Finsih: Håkons Hall, Lillehammer
Travel and accommodation
Bus transport for participants and bicycles is also available for these events, from Oslo and Lillehammer to Rena.
Bus transport
Accommodation Rena and LillehammerBuses and trains
Buses from Oslo and Lillehammer to Rena is available for booking through your My Page from two weeks prior to the race. Booking must be made before 20.00 the evening before the race, or you can buy your ticket in Håkons Hall, Lillehammer.
Train: Check departures and order at VYNearest airport:
Oslo airport, GardermoenIf you are arriving by car, please view recommended driving pattern in Rena and Lillehammer.
Travelling by car from Oslo is not difficult. Follow the E6 north. If you are going to Rena, take the exit to Elverum, and follow the road signs from there. Rena is approximately 2,5 hours from Oslo. Travelling to Lillehammer - follow the E6 until Lillehammer is on your right, this takes about two hours.
If you have more questions, or need help booking - please contact us. -
Bus transport incl. bikes
Bus transport for participants (incl. bikes) - see bus table for dates, times and departures. You can pre-order bus transport (from medio June 2025) through My Page , until 20.00 the day before your departure. There is no refund for unused tickets.UltraBirken and HalvBirken - bus to start at Pellestova
- from the roundabout v/ Håkons Hall to the start UltraBirken
- from Sigrid Undsets road to the start HalvBirken
PS: there are no return buses back to Pellestova, we recommend parking at Håkons Hall and taking the bus to the start.
Cycle transport are included when ordering bus
Cycles are transported on lorries at your own risk. We advise you to protect your cycle with fabric or bubble wrap. -
Mattress accommodation
Mattress accommodation in Rena
Accommodation in Rena is available in schools and other suitable buildings for Birkebeinerrittet.
The mattress is provided, but you must bring your own sleeping bag, and sheet. In the evening, you can purchase food at, or close by, the facility.
If you wish to stay in the same facility as a friend, or you team, make sure you all choose the same site.
Breakfast is included in the fee.
Booking is available when entering or through your My Page.
• Booking in advance until Tuesday in race week: NOK 495,-
• Booking on site the night before race day: NOK 650,-
There is no refund for any reason.Groups (more than 15):
Please contact Arve at
Birkebeinerrittet 2024: August 22ndAccommodation sites:
Åmot Ungdomsskole (Ungdomsskolen)
800 meters north west of the center of Rena. You can walk or bike. Parking available. Breakfast is served on site and you can buy a warm evening meal if you wish.Rena skole (Barneskolen) - not available in 2025
1 km north west of the center of Rena. You can walk or bike. Parking available. Breakfast is served on site and you can buy a warm evening meal if you wish. -
Race rules
Race rules for Birkebeinerrittet and HalvBirken cycle
Birkebeinerrittet and HalvBirken cycle run according to the UCI's MTB rules and NCF's laws and regulationsin addition to Birken's own regulations.General traffic regulations and road signs must be observed. Please pay attention to the environment, the public and co-racers. Parts of the route will be closed for ordinary traffic, and supporter vehicles are not permitted.
- Participants in the age classes may use the service stations.
- The organizers reserve the right to stop late racers from completing the race.
- You may not start using another person's entry/bib or in an earlier wave than assigned.
- For your safety it is not allowd to use any form of audio during the race.
All participants, regardless of class, must carry a 3,5 kilo backpack during the entire race, until crossing the finish line. The backpack must be visible, and can not be worn underneath clothing or bib.
For safety reasons the pack must contain- wind-/water resistant jacket and pants
- Gloves
- Hat or buff headwear
- Extra food
- Tools and hose kit
- We recommend that you bring dry underwear and socks.
Participants who has not got the requierd contents in their backpack before start, will not bee allowed to start until this is provided.
Packs will be checked.
Participants not complying with these requirements will be disqualified or given a time penalty.
If the participants have to put on a lot of the clothing/equipment throughout the race, due to bad weather conditions, the organizer will judge this with a common sense regarding the weight of the backpack.Equipment
- A certified helmet is compulsory.
- All bikes used in any terrain competition, should have only propulsion by human power. (Exception: the El-bike class)
- EL-bike is allowed in the EL-bike class.
- During MTB races no traditional road handlebars may be used.
Clips-on extensions or inner bar ends are forbidden but traditional bar ends are authorized. - Position: The rider shall normally assume a sitting position on the bicycle. This position requires that the only points of support are the following: the feet on the pedals, the hands on the handlebars and the seat on the saddle.
Littering along the route is not allowed.
Please bring your own litter to the nearest food station or use the drop zones along the course. Littering along the course can be penalized with 15 minutes added to your time.
Violating the rules
Participants violating the rules will be disqualified or given a time penalty.
Complaints- The complaint must be submitted in writing with a fee of NOK 300 at the Race Office in Håkons Hall.
- Against race conditions: 15 minutes after the last competitor has crossed the finish line.
- Against the list of results: 30 minutes after the list and results have been published.
All participants age 13-79 must have a valid license to start in cycle events in Norway. If you have a valid license through national cycling federetaion, please bring your license card when retrieving your BIB.
The license is not included in the entry fee. It can be purchased when entering, through your My Page, or at the race office when retrieving your BIB.
One time license 17-79 years old: NOK 220,-
One time license UngdomsBirken cycle (13-16 years old): NOK 50,-
The Norwegian Cycling Federation
The license is an insurance through the Norwegian Cycling Federation, and should you be injured while participating in an Birken cycle event, this license makes sure that your treatment is covered. Please find more information regarding the license:
On race day
What happens when ?
Thursday August 29.
- 15.00 - 21.00 Sport 1 market in Håkons Hall, Lillehammer
Friday August 30.
Rena Åmot kulturhus, Rena Torg- 11.00-21.00 Distribution of Bibs and registration
- 11.00 - 21.00 Sport 1 market
- 15.30 - Registration and distribution of bibs BarneBirken cyckle.
- 17.00-18.00 - Start BarneBirken 0-11 years old
- Activities for kids
Lillehammer,Håkons Hall
- 10.00-21.00 Distribution of Bibs and registration
- 10.00-21.00 Sport 1 market
- 17.00-17.50 Start BarneBirken sykkel
Saturday August 31.
Rena, Åmot kulturhus og Rena Torg
- From 07.00 Distribution of Bibs in Åmot kulturhus
- 07.00-13.00 Sport 1 market
- 09.00-12.00 Start Birkebeinerrittet
- 09.00 start Men Elite
- 09.10 start Women Elite
Birkebeineren skistadion
- From 07.30 distribution of Bibs UngdomsBirken sykkel
- 09.15-09.45 start UngdomsBirken sykkel
Pellestova, Hafjell
- From 06.30 distribution of Bibs UltraBirken and HalvBirken cycle
- 08.00-08.20 start UltraBirken cycle
- 13.00-13.15 start HalvBirken cycle
Håkons Hall
- 09.00-19.00 Sport 1 market
- 09.00-20.00 Race office, diplomas and prizes
- 09.00-20.00 shower and wardrobe
- appr. 09.30 first participant UngdomsBirken
- 10.45 Prize ceremony UngdomsBirken and Ungdomstrippelen
- appr. 11.30 first Men Elite expected to the finish
- appr. 12.10 first Women Elite expected to the finish
- 13.00 Prize ceremony Men and Women Elite
- appr. 12.50-13.00 First participant UltraBirken cycle
- appr. 14.05 First participant HalvBirken cycle
- 14.00-18.00 Prize ceremonies Birkebeinerrittet and Birkebeinertrippelen
- 15.30-18.00 Prize ceremonies UltraBirken cycle and HalvBirken cycle
Sunday 01.09
- 12.00 - 15.00 Lost and found in Haakons Hall
Distribution of Bibs
Lillehammer, Håkons Hall
Birkebeinerrittet, UltraBirken cycle, HalvBirken cycle, UngdomsBirken and BarneBirken- Friday August 30th: 10.00-21.00
UltraBirken cycle and HalvBirken cycle- Saturday August 31th from 6.30
Birkebeineren Skistadion
UngdomsBirken- Saturday August 31th from 7.30
Rena, Åmot kulturhus
Birkebeinerrittet- Friday August 30th: 11.00 - 21.00
- Saturday August 31th: 07.00 - until the last start
Race packets that is ordered to Lillehammer and not been retrieved in Lillehammer the day before the race, may be picked up in Åmot kulturhus Rena, on race day.On the race day
Race packets must be collected at least 1 hour before your starting time. Allow for some extra time as traffic will be heavy.
Please show your starting card to testify paid entry fee, license and bib number. -
Transportation of luggage from start to finish is included in the entry fee.
Deliver your luggage
Deliver your luggage at the starting area - the trucks will be on the parking area, east of Åmot kulturhus, Rena.
HalvBirken and UltraBirken cycle
You can deliver your luggage at either at Håkons Hall before entering the bus to the start or in the starting area at Pellestova.
Luggage claim
At the finish outside Håkons Hall, Lillehammer.
It is your own responsibility to tag your luggage and hand it in to the truck labelled with your wave. Tags are included in your race packet. In the event of heavy rain, you will be given plastic bags to keep your luggage dry.The organizers accept no liability for loss of luggage.
- Stadium maps
Traffic / parking
Parking at Rena and Lillehammer at Birken Cycle
Please follow instructions on signs and from parking guards.
Tickets for parking costs NOK 95,- and may be bought both online or on site. -
Time keeping
Timing / Bib
The bib must be fastened to the handlebar according to instructions.
Your result is registered in the chip that is integrated in your start number.
Time keeping starts when crossing the start mat.
Exeption: Start at start shot
Start shot (the start time is registered by start shot) applies for:Birkebeinerrittet:
- The elite classes, Men and Women Elite Jr. and Sr.
- Wave 1
UngdomsBirken cycle: All classes and waves.
UltraBirken cycle: All waves
HalvBirken cycle: All waves
All participants in Birkebeinerrittet, HalvBirken cycle and UltraBirken cycle receives a finisher pin at the finish line. Participations in UngdomsBirken cycle recieves a finisher medal at the finish line.
A diploma stating your time can be picked up inside Haakons Hall at race day or downloaded from your My Page.
The top three in each age class recieve their prizes from the stage/Håkons Hall. Retrieve your other prizes, pins and diplomas at the prize desk inside Håkons Hall.
Prizes and Diplomas must be picked up inside Håkons Hall on race day.For Birkebeinerrittet 84 km
Participated 10, 20 and 30 times in total
Participants that have reached the milestones of entering 10, 20 or 30 times in total: Birkebeinerrittet 86, FredagsBirken cycle and/or TurBirken cycle 86 recieve a plate from Birken's prize collection.Prizes Birkebeiner Medal
1. medal: SMK (Silver pin)
5. medal: GMK (Golden pin)
10. medal: FAT 10 (Birken plate)
20. medal: FAT 20 (Birken plate)
30. medal: FAT 30 (Birken plate)
No medals are given at the 2nd, 3th, 4th, 6th, 7th an so on. -
Cut Off times
Participants which has not reached the following destinations by the listet hour, will not be allowed to finish the race due to safety reasons
- Kvarstad by 16.00
- Elgåsen by 18.00
All participants are expected to cross the finish line by 19.30
If you need to abandon the race please try to get to the nearest food station, alert the MC patrols, call ti abandon the race +47 90 55 90 03. It will be limited possiblities for transporation in the track.
Tansport for competitors abandoning the race
From Rena
Departuer from the Birken office, Fabrikkveien 2, Rena to Håkons Hall, Lillehammer approximately 11.00 and 15.00From Kvarstad
Departure form Kvarstad to Håkons Hall, Lillehammer
approximately 13.30 and kl. 17.00If you need medical assistance call alarm number: +47 911 08 707.
Cycle service
We offer simple service such as changing of hose, chain, brake pads, as well as adjusting the gears and brakes before start and at the service stations along the track.- Bringbusætra
- Kvarstad
The service is performed by experienced mechanics.
It will be possible to clean (flush) dirt off your bike at the service stations.
We recommend that your bike is well maintained and checked before you arrive at Rena. It is also important to bring some equipment for bike care in your backpack, such as hose, small tools and a pump. -
Bike parking
Bike parking
Free bike parking is available in the finish area.
The owner of the cycle is identified by the starting number, and to retrieve your cycle from the area, you must bring your starting card, Birken-app, your wrist tag or your luggage tag.
It will be possible to clean (flush) dirt off your bike before you leave the area.
The bicycle park closes at 20.30 saturday.