Weather forecast and race information

Updated 14.03.24, kl07.15 Text and Photo: Birken
Weather forecast
There will be snow and strong wind in the mountains on Saturday, up against a fresh breeze, from the north. Together with snowfall, will lead to snowdrifts.
We are assessing the situation continuously from hour to hour on Thursday 14 March, more information will follow. has a special weather forecast for Birken.
Change - no private cars at start
The weather presents us with challenges ahead of this year's event. Temperatures and wet areas in the parking areas at the start,mean that all private cars MUST park in the center of Rena. There will be free shuttle buses between the center and the start/Tingstadjordet. Se map
It is not possible to drop off participants at the start, only in the center where shuttle buses drve to the start area.
All buses drive to the start
We recommend all participants to take the bus to Rena on race day. All buses go directly to the start where you collect your start number.
See the bus timetable and Book bus ticket . Deadline for bus booking is 20:00 the evening before the event.
Ski wax tips
Rode has ski wax service with full prepping of skis both at Rena in Lillehammer.
See ski wax tips from Rode
The deadline for delivery of skis is 19.00 the night before and the skis must be cleaned of old wax and be free for fluor.
Back pack 3,5 kg
The individual participant must pack the rucksack in accordance with our requirements (see race rules), Make sure you have the necessary contents in your bag such as windproof clothing, buff, woolen underwear, food and drink.
See race rules
See webcam
Follow Birken's webcam. See the weather live at Tingstadjordet, Skramstadsetra, Raufjellet, Kvarstad, Sjusjøen and Birkebeineren ski stadium.